Afghanistan is controlled through the system of checkpoints - areas of responsibilities divided amongst ISAF. Checkpoints are there TO CHECK the locals going between the areas.
Q: What does that mean?
A: ISAF believes that militants are amongst the locals.
Q: Why militants are amongst the locals?
A: Because Afghanistan people are fighting occupation.
Q: How come afghans are fighting against ISAF while ISAF claims that they fight Taliban-AND/OR-Alqaeda?
A: Because afghans are not Taliban-AND/OR-Alqaeda.
Q: ?!
A: AlQaeda is a product of USA and Saudis. AlQaeda bears same ideology as Saudis, and the Saudi Kingdom was created with help of USA. Taliban is not AlQaeda, in fact they even fight each other.
Q: But, ISAF controls Afghanistan, no?
A: No. If war in Afghanistan was won, locals could have already created stable government and would have fought militants and insurgency by themselves. If the war was really won, militants would've sit on top of mountains without food and under constant battle with afghanis.
Q: No way! This isn't right since CNN/MSNBC/BBC/etc. show that Taliban is still active!
A: Yes of course, you should always believe CNN/BBC/whatever you name it. ISAF or NATO/US forces there are not to "bring democracy and freedom" as they claim it, but to create a large unstable area, namely controllable conflict.
Q: What a hell is this?!
A: ISAF forces are not interested in "calming down" afghans. If NATO/US forces were truly to "pacify" Afghanistan they would've used more peaciful approach. Be more frendlier to locals, not bomb weddings, sharp-shoot local festivities, shoot women and children "just-in-case". Build civilian infrastructure - hospitals, schools, shops - not checkpoints and military bases.
Instead, they are claiming that "Taliban" is using drug production to raise funds and buy weapons from Pakistanis, while major opium rich production areas, the north, is under direct control of US/NATO forces. And, the most funny thing - NATO/US are not to stop drug production - because afghans should do that by themselves. If the opium plantation gets damaged by ISAF forces.. they pay afghans compensations.
Q: But it was Taliban that produces drugs to buy weapons and fight ISAF?! Everybody says that!
A: Yes, of course. In 2001 Taliban has destroyed almost 90% of opium fields, and now, after nearly a decade of occupation drug traffic from Afghanistan has increased ten-fold. Of course you are right, Taliban militants and AlQaeda sitting in caves has time to tend their opium fields, collect and process them in time and sell them outside. Yes. Taliban and AlQaeda are so strong!
Q: It is impossible, I still insist that it is Taliban that produces opium! Am I right?!
A: You are! In fact, while referring to Taliban and AlQaeda everybody forgets to mention North-Alliance, that is another afghan force, which is mostly involved in opium production - and North-Alliance is an ally of ISAF. All what Taliban has is a bad publicity... and AlQaeda has too good one.
The ones who suffer are local afghans.
Q: Afghans are happy, they have their freedom at last?!
A: Right. With checkpoints, bomb-shells, land mines and trigger-happy ISAF soldiers - what a freedom!
Q: But if an ISAF soldier has commited a crime he or she is judged in tribunal?!
A: Nope. Not long ago german soldier has shot a women and two children - judges has decided that soldier was mistaken, since an attack was awaited. Shooting a woman with two children - how many eyes you have to have to correctly identify an enemy?! Now, no ISAF soldier can be imprisoned for murdering afghans - because it is a warzone and soldiers can shoot anyone.
Q: But, if judges decided so, they must be wise and correct people?!
A: Yep. If I was to occupy US-or-Germany and one of my soldiers shoots Britney-or-Merkel with their children I will seriously tell the world that the soldier was just MISTAKEN since he or she awaited a major attack and goddamit it is a warzone, women with children should not be allowed on the streets, specially near checkpoints.
Q: But checkpoints - arent afghans allowed to go where they please in their own country?
A: You guess. Is it a fight for freedom of afghans or is it an occupation?!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Oh! almost forgot...
Two-three weeks ago, a member of parliament, a 30 plus something year old former boxing champion, was shot to death, got a bullet right in the head. Almost on the doorsteps of his home. Bodyguard and a driver chased the assassin but apparently the assassin was much faster.
Yes, to become a member of parliament you do not have to be a former boxing champion. He just belonged to ruling presidential party "Ak-Zhol". What a loss.
Able, young, powerful man.. died on the doorsteps of his own home. Irony?!
Before that, a couple of other members of parliament vanished! Yes.. utter coincidence. Aliens and UFOs stealing members of parliament. "I want to believe"(c) and still no traces of theirs whereabouts.
NATO - namely German, British and US forces refusing to destroy opium crops in their respective regions of control - The Great Opium North of Afghanistan, where 99% of the opium is produced. Opium that is largely destined to Russia.. is not going to be destroyed by NATO. Russia has gripped the laws for narcotics, now making traffikers to serve longer and "deeper". Many russians now signing petition to officially declare narcotics as bioweapons and narco-selling-traffiking as a direct act of war against country.
NATO - US, Britain... what a coincidence, the former victor in great Opium War is now again in control of a largest fields of opium in the world. What a coincidence!
Yes, to become a member of parliament you do not have to be a former boxing champion. He just belonged to ruling presidential party "Ak-Zhol". What a loss.
Able, young, powerful man.. died on the doorsteps of his own home. Irony?!
Before that, a couple of other members of parliament vanished! Yes.. utter coincidence. Aliens and UFOs stealing members of parliament. "I want to believe"(c) and still no traces of theirs whereabouts.
NATO - namely German, British and US forces refusing to destroy opium crops in their respective regions of control - The Great Opium North of Afghanistan, where 99% of the opium is produced. Opium that is largely destined to Russia.. is not going to be destroyed by NATO. Russia has gripped the laws for narcotics, now making traffikers to serve longer and "deeper". Many russians now signing petition to officially declare narcotics as bioweapons and narco-selling-traffiking as a direct act of war against country.
NATO - US, Britain... what a coincidence, the former victor in great Opium War is now again in control of a largest fields of opium in the world. What a coincidence!
East, tricky East...
2009 is going bad and will get worse. 2010 will be a disaster. Specially for a "small isle of democracy", namely Kyrgyzstan (KGZ). Of the most important staff that happened this year is:
- new editions of the Constitution (regarding presidential election dates) .(Ok.)
- NATO/US Airbase is going to be "officially" kicked out of the country.(Good)
- upcoming presidential elections in June 2009. (Excellent)
- results of elections of the current parliament not published yet. (Amazing!)
- new tax laws (Outstanding!)
"Democracy" in Kyrgyzstan is shaking on the shoulders of IMF/Soros/Parisian club, with 2 bln $USD debt 2009 is not going to be easy. Emigrants, GastArbeitern, in Russia are getting kicked out and those who did not manage to get Russian citizenship are already in deep shit. The "wealth" of 3bln $USD sent home by emigrants is vanishing from budget papers and government is on a sick path of finding new sources of income.
Economy of KGZ, former gratest meat exporter in USSR, touristic pleasure-palace for Soviet mountaineers, is based nowdays on a "democratic" $USD lended by IMF and other financial institutions under US command. And now, since the "ongoing economic collapse" Kyrgyzstan government has turned its eyes towards wealthy Russia. Since 1 bln $USD grant with minimal rates that Russia offered in a grandious gesture, Kyrgyzstan is ready to offer its services to a highest bidder.
And US, with temporary support Air-base in Manas International Airport (the only avia entrance gate of the country) has turned 8 years already, and Kyrgyzstan not getting any share in helping struggling democracy in Hamid-Karzai-the-Mayor-of-Kabul lead Afghanistan - the moment of a generous russian grant can not be more timely.
Opposition, more precisely the same nomenclature products as the ruling party - same faces rushing from one camp to another, is not getting any support from the nation. Outcasts. The best strategy the prefer is to make a good business in supply-and-demand. In Winter 2008-2009 the opposition leaders went to US for a meeting or a seminar with US officials, making charts and presentations, and leaked information on their next destination - visiting Moscow. Apparently it was - "we sell you buy" auction.
Grand Justice declaring presidential elections date for June 2009, while elections should have been held in October 2009. The ruling party - "Ak-Zhol", born by current president, is now going to bore the same president - the ultimate infinity loop.
Electricity cuts still going around the country, reaching 12 hours in some places. Water in the Toktogul HydroElectricStation, that supplies 90% of countries electric energy needs, is lower than predicted and not going to become more. Throughout 2008 government officials were selling electricity for a newly built plants in Tadzhikiston, depleting Toktoguls' water reserves. Winter was cold and chilling for 90% of nation forced to bear the long periods of electricity cuts. Small and midsize businesses forced to pay "additional taxes", for the electricity usage, for the amper current and finally subscription payments.
If it wasn't enough, Presidents big family (many brothers and a son), began dividing the areas of interests. Does anyone know any other country where the president is protected by its own brother?! Yes, the guy rules over all the military, police and secret service. And the son, is the first 24 year old to become a biggest investor in the economy of Latvia, another struggling "democracy" in the former USSR region. "Son" and the "Brothers" thugging businesses around the country, many businessmen forced to leave the country and leave their businesses to new owners.
4 years before, situation was same. The difference was only that former "runaway" President did not have so many brothers able to catch any business opportunity. The poor guy had a daughter - now called "the one who wears pants in their family", a Grand Prince who what his spoon in every dish, and of course a Grand Son-In-Law citizen of Kazakhstan, having his fork in every dish served.
New Tax laws, dubious and cretinic as any law can appear, are with a so obvious goal - bring more money in to the budget - and fuck the people. Higher taxes for small-mid-size businesses, higher taxes for larger businesses, impossibly high taxes for private professionals, higher customs taxes, higher road-usage taxes, electricity, heat, water.. you name it, taxes getting higher and higher.
And the parliament - a monster circus - where people spend hours discussing should a street be renamed to a boulevard or a boulevard renamed to a sreet. All this happening now.
But, do not worry, US department of state will find a way to bring "Brand New Democracy" back to Kyrgyzstan.
Possibly this Summer! And this will be terrific! Amazing!
As Lenin has told once - "The worse it gets, the better for us!"(c)
It is time for Kyrgyzstan people to suffer a bit, to understand how it is to be sovereign and to protect sovereignity!
- new editions of the Constitution (regarding presidential election dates) .(Ok.)
- NATO/US Airbase is going to be "officially" kicked out of the country.(Good)
- upcoming presidential elections in June 2009. (Excellent)
- results of elections of the current parliament not published yet. (Amazing!)
- new tax laws (Outstanding!)
"Democracy" in Kyrgyzstan is shaking on the shoulders of IMF/Soros/Parisian club, with 2 bln $USD debt 2009 is not going to be easy. Emigrants, GastArbeitern, in Russia are getting kicked out and those who did not manage to get Russian citizenship are already in deep shit. The "wealth" of 3bln $USD sent home by emigrants is vanishing from budget papers and government is on a sick path of finding new sources of income.
Economy of KGZ, former gratest meat exporter in USSR, touristic pleasure-palace for Soviet mountaineers, is based nowdays on a "democratic" $USD lended by IMF and other financial institutions under US command. And now, since the "ongoing economic collapse" Kyrgyzstan government has turned its eyes towards wealthy Russia. Since 1 bln $USD grant with minimal rates that Russia offered in a grandious gesture, Kyrgyzstan is ready to offer its services to a highest bidder.
And US, with temporary support Air-base in Manas International Airport (the only avia entrance gate of the country) has turned 8 years already, and Kyrgyzstan not getting any share in helping struggling democracy in Hamid-Karzai-the-Mayor-of-Kabul lead Afghanistan - the moment of a generous russian grant can not be more timely.
Opposition, more precisely the same nomenclature products as the ruling party - same faces rushing from one camp to another, is not getting any support from the nation. Outcasts. The best strategy the prefer is to make a good business in supply-and-demand. In Winter 2008-2009 the opposition leaders went to US for a meeting or a seminar with US officials, making charts and presentations, and leaked information on their next destination - visiting Moscow. Apparently it was - "we sell you buy" auction.
Grand Justice declaring presidential elections date for June 2009, while elections should have been held in October 2009. The ruling party - "Ak-Zhol", born by current president, is now going to bore the same president - the ultimate infinity loop.
Electricity cuts still going around the country, reaching 12 hours in some places. Water in the Toktogul HydroElectricStation, that supplies 90% of countries electric energy needs, is lower than predicted and not going to become more. Throughout 2008 government officials were selling electricity for a newly built plants in Tadzhikiston, depleting Toktoguls' water reserves. Winter was cold and chilling for 90% of nation forced to bear the long periods of electricity cuts. Small and midsize businesses forced to pay "additional taxes", for the electricity usage, for the amper current and finally subscription payments.
If it wasn't enough, Presidents big family (many brothers and a son), began dividing the areas of interests. Does anyone know any other country where the president is protected by its own brother?! Yes, the guy rules over all the military, police and secret service. And the son, is the first 24 year old to become a biggest investor in the economy of Latvia, another struggling "democracy" in the former USSR region. "Son" and the "Brothers" thugging businesses around the country, many businessmen forced to leave the country and leave their businesses to new owners.
4 years before, situation was same. The difference was only that former "runaway" President did not have so many brothers able to catch any business opportunity. The poor guy had a daughter - now called "the one who wears pants in their family", a Grand Prince who what his spoon in every dish, and of course a Grand Son-In-Law citizen of Kazakhstan, having his fork in every dish served.
New Tax laws, dubious and cretinic as any law can appear, are with a so obvious goal - bring more money in to the budget - and fuck the people. Higher taxes for small-mid-size businesses, higher taxes for larger businesses, impossibly high taxes for private professionals, higher customs taxes, higher road-usage taxes, electricity, heat, water.. you name it, taxes getting higher and higher.
And the parliament - a monster circus - where people spend hours discussing should a street be renamed to a boulevard or a boulevard renamed to a sreet. All this happening now.
But, do not worry, US department of state will find a way to bring "Brand New Democracy" back to Kyrgyzstan.
Possibly this Summer! And this will be terrific! Amazing!
As Lenin has told once - "The worse it gets, the better for us!"(c)
It is time for Kyrgyzstan people to suffer a bit, to understand how it is to be sovereign and to protect sovereignity!
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